I'm Kelvin.

A creative developer based in Dublin.

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A Little About Me...

My career trajectory has been everything but a straight road. I had my start in political science, having acquired a BA in Intercultural Studies and French, and an MA in International Relations. But, I decided that a life in politics wasn’t for me, so I thought to follow a budding passion for marketing by transitioning into digital marketing. I greatly enjoyed my time in the marketing sphere and I learned a lot. However, the main thing I learned from my time as a marketer is how intriguing I found the technologies we used and the work that went into creating them. This then led to me switching fields once more into software development.

I am currently a student of Code Institute, studying both front-end and back-end development. With a passion for creativity and and eye for aesthetics, I would consider myself a creative developer. While I have a working knowledge of back-end development, my interests find me veering strongly towards the front-end side of things.

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My first milestone project was an online portfolio
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Want To Get in Touch?

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